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Hello and welcome to day four of the Kite Park League Team Battle, which marks the halfway point of the contest. For those who missed their opportunity to seize the easterly winds the day prior, today offered similar conditions, allowing the teams to finalize or perfect their attempt at riding and filming a "natural feature." While Team Burgundy missioned west towards Portland in hopes of finding some worthwhile natural structures to showcase, Team Tan and Team Yellow were joined by Team Blue and Team Green at a familiar location that had proven to be favorable on day three. However, due to the rugged terrain found erupting from the Columbia River's edge, finding an accessible "natural feature" can prove to be a difficult hurdle. Nonetheless, team creativity was on full display, and nearly every team was able to accomplish the task and get one step closer to delivering their team video.

The heavily anticipated western breeze is forecasted to blow back through Hood River for day five of the Team Battle. The teams are excited and ready to re-immerse themselves in the Slider Project's world-class competitive arena. The teams are ready to hit the ground running. "The grind don't stop, 'til the rail ends" - Sage Kotsenburg. Here we go; day five starts now.

Welcome to day three of the Team Battle. As the competition presses forward, drawing closer to the video submission deadline on September second, the importance of logging video and taking advantage of any ridable session becomes that much more vital. In a less precedented occurrence, the wind blew from the East, a less common circumstance and a direct contrast to the standard West wind. Due to the Eastern winds, the Slider Project was unrideable, but further towards the extremity of the Columbia River and West of Hood River, conditions provided the teams with opportune promise. A particular competition requirement all teams must fulfill is the inclusion of a “natural feature,” which cannot be near or around the confines of the Slider Project.

The East winds, combined with a necessary change of location, provided Team Tan, Team Yellow, and Team Burgundy the opportunity to fulfill this allotted requisite. While some of the teams hit the water in hopes of completing the “natural feature” requirement, Team Green and Team Blue used their time away from the Slider Project to film supplemental footage, or “b-roll,” which could prove to be a crucial deciding factor in the hopes of clenching the distinguished and reputable “best edit” award. Although the wind was blowing from the East, and the teams have not been able to film in the manicured Slider Project park, all the teams were taking advantage of their time on and off the water. Tomorrow’s forecast is anticipated to be very similar, so perhaps we will see more of the same strategic endeavors or maybe something entirely different. Each video is certain to be unique and a reflection of the team’s efforts and personalities, but thus far, the competitive strategy appears to be the most resonant and dissimilar competitive factor. The teams are sharpening their knives in preparation for the days ahead, but only time will tell which strategies are proving to be most rewarding or fatal. Stay tuned - Day three is complete.

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